Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time and their future

It seems to me that everyone is after your time.. That is the ulimate goal for someone to control you through your time that you have to give someone else. They seem to utilize it so that they don't have to do much of anything or as less as possible for themselves. You find it at work, your boss wants to keep you working as steady as possible to get their moneys worth out of you. I notice this most in the childsupport system and court system. Lawyers working diligently to get more for the other party so that they can get more money from someone else, in the childsupport system the Father. Drain this person until there is nothing left. Can someone tell me how this helps the kids? If you use up a natural resourse up until it's all gone you can get no more of it, it's gone! This is what I notice happening in my life & the lifes of countless fathers around the country, probably the world. How does this help our future? If fathers give up because of sheer oppression, abolishment of rights, frustration and lack of motivation, the children of the future won't have a future. These kids won't have higher education, the ability for a down payment on a house with the help of there parents, a new car, a rainy day nest egg to start off a new life with! All of these things are obtainable without the help of aid from the state/government, all with the help of parents working together not as enemies looking to get paid and destroy one another so that one can live better than the other. So the children will be the benifactors of what each parent has to provide for them and there future!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fairplay in the courts

I had a lawyer that was a woman representing me, as a man I thought that she would understand my e-wifes side and what she wanted and I could explain what I needed? That didn't happen at all. I found out that the lawyer was only looking out for her best interests not mine, for the most part it seemed as though she was fighting for her? The battle was given up and the rights were forefitted on my behalf. I don't understand why people in this field take advantage of the innocent, I guess that's the whole world. Any time there is money involved people want to take, not give the service with compassion and empathy. After all of the struggles through a years worth of deliberating this drawn out divorce I am left with a backwards decree with the rights in her corner and the deception from my trust in the courts and my lawyer in mine? I need to find someone that will fight with me to overcome this tragety that befalls so many fathers. This only frusterates and promotes regret and apathy toward the most important, the children!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


These are some pictures of all of us.

Dads need help TOO!!

  • We have bills and need to survive just as much as women do!
  • Is it good for the kids if they see their fathers fall?
  • Good fathers tring to provide for their kids, how can we make it fair with the laws as biased as they are?
  • Everything is backwards, laws were supposed to protect us, why do they only favor?
  • We can change all of this if we all stand together on the same step!