Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I would like to talk about sacrafice, something that most people don't know much about that live here in America. Sacrafice is a building block mainstay in my life. I have to make cuts in my life in order to keep things in my life stable. In past posts I have mentioned that I have my own home, I drive a new car but in order to have those I have to keep things very modest in my life. I guess that I could say that I put other things first and foremost, like my kids. If I didn't have a reliable car, I may break down at an inopportune time with the kids in the car. So that is the reason for the new vehicle not to metion the fact I drive 70 miles round trip to work and provide 90% of the driving to pick the kids up and drop them off. When the gas prices rose I had to cut groceries, driving anywhere in excess, fun activities for the kids or myself for that matter. I have not run the air conditioner through the hot times just to save for the future, it worked, I managed to eliminate one months bill completly and cut the next month in half by suffering in the heat. That would be something that most Americans would not consider, especially if you have the air already connected to the house. I have cut my heat in the dead of winter, down to 60* on days I'm at work and keep it down when I'm at home. You may call that resisting temptation in a round-about way. I work out gift ideas that benifit the whole family instead of on a selfish state of thinking. I will talk to the grand parents for thier contributions so we can all save. I will generally keep things down to a NEED only basis. No clothes, toys (fun stuff), activities, vacations consist of here, anything that most people might take for granted, I have been cutting out of my life for the last 5 years so that I can maintain my home and all the extremities of that home to provide for my childern and support for them. If there is any medical expences I pay half, that constitutes many sacrafices in my life. I must say that it is getting more difficult to do when the system doesn't forgive nor relieve a person in this situation. Needless to say, I don't have anything else that I could sacrafice unless I gave up my home. I have tried to sell it, but in the market we are in, it's next to impossible to come out ahead. I have asked the kids how they would feel in that case, I watched thier faces sink in response. That house it thier only refuge to the other world that they live in for the better part of the week. I feel bad because I am not even hanging on by the thread, I already fell and ONLY by the grace of GOD, I make it one more day, one more month, one more year. HE is the only thing that saves me, because I am not able to trust in people anymore. Since, only if it effects them do they WANT to care enough to change anything and they must have the means, or no one will listen to the problem to fix it. I have tried and I will keep tring until one hears, hopefully it won't be too late. If I fall, I must say that there is something seriously wrong with the system that we have invested all of our faith into and we need to look for the truth, it's time for the truth, it's time to fix us. Our selfish behavior has to end, we need to all get on the same page for the divorced fathers that are there for thier kids, WE NEED RELIEF, or the children of this world will continue to fall as well. We all need support!!

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